We make our games and fight with monsters since the year 2003
explore our projects and have fun!

Passion for creation!
We make new worlds, not just games.
Game evolution
From plain single player shooter to MMO game.
Inexhaustible armoury
From 10 to hundreds kinds of weapons divided by categories and types of damage.
From several monster types to filled alien civilizations, starting from simple warriors ending with engineers and scientists.
The world is not enough
From the gates of research laboratory through the alien caves to filled lunar bases.
The union
From the forum on our website to the filled community on our Discord server that has gathered thousands of gamers.
From cd retail of PC versions to digital distribution on almost all world popular platforms.
Our game worlds!
Since the foundation of Plinko Team the world of our games was growing with every year.
Monsters civilization.
- Evolution from plain soldiers to engineers.
- The latest weapon systems from implants to mounted guns.
- Unique types of monsters from kamikaze killers to the enemies with powerful energy shields.

Advanced game engine.
- Displaying several hundreds of monsters simultaneously.
- Remains of the enemies don’t vanish with time.
- Support of full network game for both PvP and PvE mode.